Solidity Smart Contracts: Build Dapps in Ethereum Blockchain

Solidity Smart Contracts: Build Dapps in Ethereum Blockchain
Title Solidity Smart Contracts: Build Dapps in Ethereum Blockchain PDF eBook
Author Rangel Stoilov
Publisher Independently Published
Total Pages 96
Release 2019-02-08
Genre Computers
ISBN 9781796424829

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Learn Solidity And How To Create Smart Contracts With This Book!For the past couple of years, there hasn't been a bigger breakthrough in the IT world than the one that Blockchain technology has made. The extremely fast growth of the industry, market and the technology itself leads to an enormous shortage of programmers that truly understand the blockchain. Along with the blockchain, smart contracts have emerged and with them - Solidity.The idea of this book is to give you the easiest and best practices in becoming a blockchain developer. We will be focusing on the smart contracts development with Solidity in the Ethereum ecosystem.You will learn to create your first smart contracts in the Ethereum blockchain even if you are a complete beginner and you know nothing about programming or Solidity.I will show you the online IDE Remix to create your first smart contracts and we will go through all the features that Solidity provides us as a programming language.In this book you will learn the following: We'll learn the essentials of the Ethereum blockchain. How to make and protect our wallets as well as mastering Metamask as our main Ethereum wallet in the creation of our smart contracts. We will go through the basic and advanced concepts of the Solidity language. We learn in depth how you can build your own smart contracts and test them out instantly in Remix. I will teach you how to use Metamask as your Ethereum wallet and I will give you security advice that will keep your crypto assets secure. You will have assignments that will help you out understand the material better with actual practice and not only passive consumption. After you finish this course you will fall in love with Solidity, Ethereum ecosystem and the smart contract's creation.

Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum

Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum
Title Smart Contract Development with Solidity and Ethereum PDF eBook
Author Akhil Mittal
Publisher BPB Publications
Total Pages 170
Release 2020-05-23
Genre Computers
ISBN 9388511913

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Create, develop and deploy a Smart Contract with ease KEY FEATURES áÊ Familiarize yourself with Blockchain terminology and its concepts áÊ Understand and implement the Cryptography basic principles áÊ Understand the life cycle of an Ethereum TransactionÊ áÊ Explore and work with Dapps on Ethereum. áÊ A practical guide that will teach you to create and deploy Smart Contracts with Solidity Ê DESCRIPTION The book covers the fundamentals of Blockchain in detail and shows how to create a Smart Contract with ease. This book is both for novices and advanced readers who want to revisit the Smart Contract development process.Ê Ê The book starts by introduces Blockchain, its terminology, its workflow, and cryptographic principles. You will get familiar with the basics of Ethereum and some Distributed apps available on Ethereum. Furthermore, you will learn to set-up Ethereum Blockchain on Azure. Then you will learn how to create, develop, and deploy a smart contract on Ethereum. Towards the end, you will understand what Blockchain uses and advantages in the real-world scenario.Ê Ê WHAT WILL YOU LEARN áÊ Get familiar with the basics of Blockchain and Bitcoin áÊ Setup a development environment for programming Smart Contracts áÊ Learn how to set up an Ethereum Blockchain on Azure áÊ Understand the basics of Solidity, an object-oriented programming language for writing smart contracts áÊ Learn how to test and deploy a smart contract Ê WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR This book is for Developers, Architects, and Software/Technology Enthusiasts who are interested in Blockchain, Ethereum, and Smart Contracts. It is also for Developers who want to build a Blockchain-basedÊ DApps on Ethereum Network. It is for everyone who is learning Solidity and is looking to create and integrate Blockchain into their project. ÊÊ TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1: What is Blockchain and how does it work?ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 1. Blockchain Ð The Concept 2. Blockchain Ð Cryptographic Principles Section 2: Ethereum and DAAPSÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 1. Distributed ApplicationsÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 2. Setting up Ethereum Blockchain on Azure Section 3: Smart Contracts DevelopmentÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 1. Setting up an Environment for Smart Contracts Development 2. Programming Smart Contracts Section 4: Blockchain in Real WorldÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ 1. Blockchain-Offerings and Usages

Building Ethereum Dapps

Building Ethereum Dapps
Title Building Ethereum Dapps PDF eBook
Author Roberto Infante
Publisher Simon and Schuster
Total Pages 745
Release 2019-03-05
Genre Computers
ISBN 1638356769

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Summary Building Ethereum Dapps introduces you to decentralized applications based on the Ethereum blockchain platform. In this book, you'll learn the principles of Dapps development by rolling up your sleeves and actually building a few! Foreword by Thomas Bertani. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the Technology Imagine unbreakably secure applications that handle personal and business transactions without any central agency controlling the process. Decentralized applications, or Dapps, do just this, shifting power to users. The Ethereum blockchain platform provides the tools you need to build Dapps, including an innovative "smart contracts" model and Solidity, a Dapp-aware JavaScript-like programming language. About the Book Building Ethereum Dapps teaches Dapps development on the Ethereum blockchain platform. You'll begin with a mental model of how Dapps operate, and then dive into designing and implementing smart contracts in Ethereum's Solidity language. You'll explore Ethereum smart contract development tools, like Truffle and Web3, and pick up best practices for design and security. Practical exercises throughout give you valuable hands-on experience. What's inside Ethereum's key components Implementing smart contracts in Solidity Communicating with a smart contract in Web3 Developing Dapps with Truffle Best practices for design and security improvement About the Reader For developers with intermediate experience in JavaScript or an OO language. Familiarity with blockchain concepts is helpful. About the Author Roberto Infante is a software development consultant who specializes in finance. He currently works on financial risk management systems and on blockchain technology. Table of Contents PART 1 A first look at decentralized applications Understanding the blockchain The Ethereum platform Deploying your first smart contract PART 2 Programming smart contracts in Solidity Writing more complex smart contracts Generalizing functionality with abstract contracts and interfaces Managing smart contracts with Web3.js PART 3 The Ethereum ecosystem Unit testing contracts with Mocha Improving the development cycle with Truffle Putting it all together: Building a complete voting Dapp PART 4 Making a Dapp production ready Security considerations Conclusions

Beginning Ethereum Smart Contracts Programming

Beginning Ethereum Smart Contracts Programming
Title Beginning Ethereum Smart Contracts Programming PDF eBook
Author Wei-Meng Lee
Publisher Apress
Total Pages 300
Release 2019-09-06
Genre Computers
ISBN 1484250869

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Use this book to write an Ethereum Blockchain Smart Contract, test it, deploy it, and create a web application to interact with your smart contract. Beginning Ethereum Smart Contracts Programming is your fastest and most efficient means of getting started if you are unsure where to begin and how to connect to the Ethereum Blockchain. The book begins with a foundational discussion of blockchain and the motivation behind it. From there, you will get up close and personal with the Ethereum Blockchain, learning how to use an Ethereum client (geth) to connect to the Ethereum Blockchain to perform transactions such as sending Ethers to another account. You will learn about smart contracts without having to wade through tons of documentation. Author Lee’s “learn-by-doing” approach will allow you to be productive and feel confident in your ability in no time. The last part of this book covers tokens, a topic that has taken the cryptocurrency market by storm. Sample code in Python, Solidity, and JavaScript is provided in the book and online. What You'll LearnUnderstand the basic premise of blockchain and “record keeping” in a peer-to-peer network Experience blockchain in action by creating your own blockchain using Python Know the foundation of smart contracts programming and how to deploy and test smart contracts Work on a case study to illustrate the use of blockchain Be familiar with tokens, and how to create and launch your own ICO digital token Write smart contracts that transact using tokens Who This Book Is For Those who want to get started quickly with Ethereum Smart Contracts programming. Basic programming knowledge and an understanding of Python or JavaScript is recommended.

Ethereum Smart Contract Development

Ethereum Smart Contract Development
Title Ethereum Smart Contract Development PDF eBook
Author Mayukh Mukhopadhyay
Publisher Packt Publishing Ltd
Total Pages 278
Release 2018-02-23
Genre Computers
ISBN 1788472624

Download Ethereum Smart Contract Development Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle

Become an Ethereum Blockchain developer using a blend of concepts and hands-on implementations Key Features Understand the Ethereum Ecosystem and its differences from its rich cousin Bitcoin Explore the Solidity programming language and smart contract optimizations Get a developer’s perspective of Blockchain-as-a-technology with exposure to common challenges faced while building decentralized applications Book Description Ethereum is a public, blockchain-based distributed computing platform featuring smart contract functionality. This book is your one-stop guide to blockchain and Ethereum smart contract development. We start by introducing you to the basics of blockchain. You'll learn about hash functions, Merkle trees, forking, mining, and much more. Then you'll learn about Ethereum and smart contracts, and we'll cover Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) in detail. Next, you'll get acquainted with DApps and DAOs and see how they work. We'll also delve into the mechanisms of advanced smart contracts, taking a practical approach. You'll also learn how to develop your own cryptocurrency from scratch in order to understand the business behind ICO. Further on, you'll get to know the key concepts of the Solidity programming language, enabling you to build decentralized blockchain-based applications. We'll also look at enterprise use cases, where you'll build a decentralized microblogging site. At the end of this book, we discuss blockchain-as-a-service, the dark web marketplace, and various advanced topics so you can get well versed with the blockchain principles and ecosystem. What you will learn Know how to build your own smart contracts and cryptocurrencies Understand the Solidity language Find out about data types, control structure, functions, inheritance, mathematical operations, and much more See the various types of forks and discover how they are related to Ethereum Get to know the various concepts of web3.js and its APIs so you can build client-side apps Build a DAO from scratch and acquire basic knowledge of DApps on Ethercast Be guided through the project so you can optimize EVM for smart contracts Build your own decentralized applications (DApps) by taking a practical approach Who this book is for If you want to know the ins and outs of the Ethereum network and build your own decentralized applications, then this book is what you need! This book is for anyone who is interested in blockchain and wants to become an Ethereum developer. It’s ideal for existing Ethereum developers who want to develop Ethereum using smart contracts. Basic knowledge of cryptography is expected but is not mandatory.

Mastering Ethereum

Mastering Ethereum
Title Mastering Ethereum PDF eBook
Author Andreas M. Antonopoulos
Publisher O'Reilly Media
Total Pages 424
Release 2018-11-13
Genre Computers
ISBN 1491971916

Download Mastering Ethereum Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle

Ethereum represents the gateway to a worldwide, decentralized computing paradigm. This platform enables you to run decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts that have no central points of failure or control, integrate with a payment network, and operate on an open blockchain. With this practical guide, Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Gavin Wood provide everything you need to know about building smart contracts and DApps on Ethereum and other virtual-machine blockchains. Discover why IBM, Microsoft, NASDAQ, and hundreds of other organizations are experimenting with Ethereum. This essential guide shows you how to develop the skills necessary to be an innovator in this growing and exciting new industry. Run an Ethereum client, create and transmit basic transactions, and program smart contracts Learn the essentials of public key cryptography, hashes, and digital signatures Understand how "wallets" hold digital keys that control funds and smart contracts Interact with Ethereum clients programmatically using JavaScript libraries and Remote Procedure Call interfaces Learn security best practices, design patterns, and anti-patterns with real-world examples Create tokens that represent assets, shares, votes, or access control rights Build decentralized applications using multiple peer-to-peer (P2P) components

Mastering Ethereum

Mastering Ethereum
Title Mastering Ethereum PDF eBook
Author Andreas M. Antonopoulos
Publisher "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
Total Pages 424
Release 2018-11-13
Genre Computers
ISBN 1491971894

Download Mastering Ethereum Book in PDF, Epub and Kindle

Ethereum represents the gateway to a worldwide, decentralized computing paradigm. This platform enables you to run decentralized applications (DApps) and smart contracts that have no central points of failure or control, integrate with a payment network, and operate on an open blockchain. With this practical guide, Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Gavin Wood provide everything you need to know about building smart contracts and DApps on Ethereum and other virtual-machine blockchains. Discover why IBM, Microsoft, NASDAQ, and hundreds of other organizations are experimenting with Ethereum. This essential guide shows you how to develop the skills necessary to be an innovator in this growing and exciting new industry. Run an Ethereum client, create and transmit basic transactions, and program smart contracts Learn the essentials of public key cryptography, hashes, and digital signatures Understand how "wallets" hold digital keys that control funds and smart contracts Interact with Ethereum clients programmatically using JavaScript libraries and Remote Procedure Call interfaces Learn security best practices, design patterns, and anti-patterns with real-world examples Create tokens that represent assets, shares, votes, or access control rights Build decentralized applications using multiple peer-to-peer (P2P) components