Atlantean Credentials of the New World

Atlantean Credentials of the New World
Title Atlantean Credentials of the New World PDF eBook
Author Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher Philaletheians UK
Total Pages 50
Release 2018-06-07
Genre Religion

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Go where we may, to explore the antiquities of America — whether of Northern, Central, or Southern America — we are first of all impressed with the magnitude of these relics of ages and races unknown, and then with the extraordinary similarity they present to the mounds and ancient structures of old India, of Egypt, and even of some parts of Europe. Whoever has seen one of these mounds has seen all. Whoever has stood before the cyclopean structures of one continent can have a pretty accurate idea of those of the other. Only be it said — we know still less of the age of the antiquities of America than even of those in the Valley of the Nile, of which we know next to nothing. But their symbolism — apart from their outward form — is evidently the same as in Egypt, India, and elsewhere. Equalling Egypt in the immensity of her cyclopean structures, Peru surpasses her in their number; while Cholula exceeds the grand pyramid of Cheops in breadth, if not in height. However, Incan history only dates back to the eleventh century A.D. Judged by their exclusive privileges, power, and “infallibility,” Incas are the antipodal counterpart of the Brahmanical caste of India. On the other hand, Manco Cápac is the exact counterpart of the Chinese Fohi, the Hindu Buddha, the terrestrial Osiris of Egypt, the Quetzalcoatl of Mexico, the Votan of Central America. The theory of cycles is the only plausible theory to solve the great problems of humanity, the rise and fall of numberless nations and races, and the ethnological differences among the latter, and the two-sided question — incessant progress on the one side and an irresistible decadence on the other of the cycle. The extraordinary similarity of the Aryan with the South American tradition suggests that the old Solar and Lunar races, Suryavansha and Chandravansha, have already reappeared in the New World. For America was once united with Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. That man has lived in America, at least 50,000 years ago, is now proved scientifically and remains a fact beyond doubt or cavil. Must we still locate a geographical Eden in the East, and suppose a land equally adapted to man and as old geologically, must wait the aimless wanderings of the “lost tribe of Israel” to become populated?

The Atlantean Origin of Greeks and Romans

The Atlantean Origin of Greeks and Romans
Title The Atlantean Origin of Greeks and Romans PDF eBook
Author Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher Philaletheians UK
Total Pages 8
Release 2018-06-07
Genre Religion

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The old Greeks and Romans were the last sub-race of the Atlantean Race, already swallowed up in one of the early sub-races of the Aryan stock, one that had been gradually spreading over the continent and islands of Europe, as soon as they had begun to emerge from the seas. Of a single sub-race of the Aryan Race of Humanity, the progenitors of the Egyptians, Phœnicians, Greeks, and the northern stocks had emigrated from the lofty plateau of Asia westward and settled in the emerging new lands of Europe. Phœnicians were Cyclopes, a one-eyed race of giants. Millennia later, other Atlantean offshoots began invading the new continent. There were wars in which the newcomers were defeated and fled in faraway lands. The Trojan War typifies a historical event that survived in the memory of men as legend. It took place 8 millennia ago. Occult records make no difference between the Atlantean ancestors of the old Greeks and those of the Romans. While profane ethnologists rely solely on relics, when available, the Occultist traces the auric shades and colour gradations of the living man back to his parent stem and tribe. The Egyptians were much older than the Greeks. The Egyptian Zodiac is at least 75 millennia old; the Greek, 17 millennia old.

Ulysses was an Atlantean Hero and Sage

Ulysses was an Atlantean Hero and Sage
Title Ulysses was an Atlantean Hero and Sage PDF eBook
Author Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher Philaletheians UK
Total Pages 11
Release 2018-06-07
Genre Religion

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Atlas is a personification and symbol of the old continents of Lemuria and Atlantis. Homer, who preceded Plato by many centuries, also speaks of the Atlanteans and of their island in his Odyssey. The Odyssey makes of Atlas the guardian and the supporter of the huge pillars that separate the heavens from the earth. The old Greeks were but the dwarfed and weak remnant of that once glorious sub-race of the Fourth Race. Egypt and Greece, the Phœnicians, and the Northern stocks, had proceeded from the last sub-race of the Atlanteans, already swallowed up in one of the early sub-races of the Aryan stock. Like the Odyssean Tityos, who grew so large that he split his mother's womb and had to be carried to term by Gaia, the Initiates in Greece were called sons of Gaia. Cyclopes, the beloved priests of Apollo, were the last three sub-races of the Lemurians, the one-eye referring to the all-penetrating spiritual eye, which atrophied when their pastoral life evolved into the sensual culture of the Atlanteans, only to be replaced by the outward-looking eyes of greed and selfishness. Though pre-historic, Boreas was a real Continent, the favourite abode of Apollo and his beloved priests and servants. Phoenician sails whitened the Indian Ocean and the Norwegian fiords. The perpetual daylight enjoyed by the Laestrygonians indicates that they were inhabitants of the North Cape. Scylla and Charybdis were the enormous icebergs of the Arctic seas.

The story of the island kingdom of Atlantis as told by the Critias of Plato

The story of the island kingdom of Atlantis as told by the Critias of Plato
Title The story of the island kingdom of Atlantis as told by the Critias of Plato PDF eBook
Author Plato
Publisher Philaletheians UK
Total Pages 15
Release 2018-06-07
Genre Religion

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Supplement to the "Rise and Demise of Atlantis"

Supplement to the
Title Supplement to the "Rise and Demise of Atlantis" PDF eBook
Author Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher Philaletheians UK
Total Pages 46
Release 2023-03-12
Genre Religion

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Insights to Universal History

Insights to Universal History
Title Insights to Universal History PDF eBook
Author Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher Philaletheians UK
Total Pages 9
Release 2018-06-07
Genre Religion

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The power of names is great, and was known since the first men were instructed by the divine masters. As Solon had studied it, he translated the Atlantean names into names devised by himself. The so-called barbaric peoples, the physical and political representatives of the nascent Aryan race speaking a now extinct Aryan language that stood before this division of nations, had a higher civilization as a root race and its sub-races than has yet been found in the geological strata. We, who place the origin of the Pelasgians far beyond the Biblical ditch of historic chronology, have reasons to believe that the “most barbarous language” mentioned by Herodotus was simply the primitive and now extinct pure Aryan tongue that preceded the Vedic Sanskrit. Pelasgians were a remnant of an Atlantean sub-race. The Aeolic was neither the language of Æschylus, nor the Attic, nor even the old speech of Homer — it was Vedic Sanskrit. In old Greece barbarous names were sacred and it was unlawful to change them. Yet, the Greeks got in the habit of twisting primeval names. They even besmirched their noble ancestry by belittling their Hierophants as Troglodytes. Three Hierarchs represented Budhistical and Brahmanical power in Greece. While the political power of Sri-B’dho-Lemos or Triptolemos was formidable, the cave-dwelling Budhist Priests or Sroo-cula-dutæ, Lords of the Cave, who protected their secret doctrines from profanation, are today belittled as Troglodytai. Further examples of the profound Brahmanical influence in Greece are the Goghos or Cow-Killer that became Kakos, i.e., bad. Soo-Bhoo-ya or one engaged in abstract meditation became Sophos, i.e., Wise. Despatis or Land-Lord became Despotes, thus marking the transition from Oligarchic privilege to Democratic tyranny.

The sacred rays of the Sun are emanations of the Divine Monas

The sacred rays of the Sun are emanations of the Divine Monas
Title The sacred rays of the Sun are emanations of the Divine Monas PDF eBook
Author Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher Philaletheians UK
Total Pages 6
Release 2018-06-17
Genre Religion

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The Seventeen-rayed Sun stands for the emanations of the Divine Monas, from the Heavenly Man down to terrestrial men, and their respective hierarchies. The ten points inscribed within the Pythagorean triangle are worth all the theogonies and angelologies ever emanated from the theological brain.